Mô tả môn học
Tài liệu tham khảo
Hoàng Ngọc Cường (2010). Polyme Đại Cương. Nhà xuất bản ĐHQG TP. HCM;
Doris Klee, Hartwig Höcker (2000). Biomedical applications. Springer;
Emo Chiellini, ... (2001). Biorelated polymers. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers;
P.K.Mallick,Newman (1990). Composite materials technology. HANSER Publishers;
Laurry Rupprecht (1999). Conductive polymers and plastics. Plastics Design Library a division of William Andrew Inc;
Gunerl Akovali (2001). Handbood of composite fabrication. RAPRA technology LTD;
Andreas Lendlein, Adam Sisson (2011). Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA;
Autar K. Kaw (2006). Mechanics of composite materials. Taylor & Francis group LLC;
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