Mô tả môn học
Tài liệu tham khảo
The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction / Christopher Hammond, Oxford University Press, 2015
Tinh thể học đại cương, Trịnh Hân, Quan Hán Khang, ĐH & THCN Hà Nội, 1997
Elements of X-Ray Diffraction / Bernard Dennis Cullity, Prentice Hall, 2001
Introduction to Crystallography, Donald E. Sands, Courier Dover Publications, 1993
Crystallography and Crystal Defects, Kelly, A., and G.W Groves, Addison Wesley, N.Y, 1970
X-Ray Diffraction, B. E. Warren, Dover, 1990
Crystallography / Walter Borchardt-Ott, Springer, 1995
Crystallography and the World of Symmetry / Sanat K. Chatterjee, Springer, 2008
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